Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Yes we have a fun neighborhood

Each year we have a neighborhood party.  Now we live in the country and each person has a min of 2 1/2 acres of land, so we are close by but have space.   In August we get together for a pot luck supper and our 1 neighbor is a licensed fireworks blower upper (aka pyrotechnician) and boy does he put on a show for us!  Plus this year he had a B25 military plane do a few fly overs, I had no idea you could hire out to do that.  Now I should explain we are a smallish town - like 12,000 people ( huge to me since I grew up in a town of 295 people) but our neighborhood has maybe 25 homes.  But I must say these fireworks have become a draw and there are now a several hundred people coming to watch.  He has to notify people within a mile so they know whats about to happen.

Last minute of a 25 minute show.   Notice at the end - a new fun element he is into - gas explosions.   He is extremely safety conscience so don't be alarmed,  Everything is wired and computer ran.  He is an electrician by day.    The large fireworks (not shown) are let off from in the woods behind the spectators - keeping everyone safe and sound.  

A fun country gathering for all ages.