Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Make Do fountain

The gardens are starting to tire out with the signs of Fall arriving.  We had our first frost advisory of the season last night.  It was in the 30's and a bit chilly in the house this morning since I refuse to shut the bedroom windows quite yet.  So as I watch the season change I still like to "update" the gardens.  I say update very loosely since in most cases the updates involve old items.   Anyway, I had a more current fountain in my garden that started to leak this summer.  Sure did take me a while to figure out where all my water went over night.  Id fill it up every morning and it was empty by the next.  There was no visible signs of a leak anywhere, but after another storm the crack finally showed itself.  The water was leaking back inside the fountain.
SO I had this old shower head for the last 5-6 years just waiting to be a fountain.  I needed a wash tub stand, and as luck would have it I found one at a auction this last weekend.  Ive seen them over the years plenty but kinda forgot about my old shower head!
I love the result - the sound is beautiful and it is right outside my sewing room window.   I need more plants now around it since my old fountain had a bigger base and took more ground.
And I must say this is so great!!!!
Time to go stuff more dolls,  a lot more dolls....

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